Why Choose Virginia Bat Pros

Do you have a problem with nuisance bats? Do you have bats in the attic? Or have you noticed structural damages on the exterior of your property that point toward bat activity? Regardless of scope, there is an easy solution for nuisance bat abatement in Virginia. All you have to do is call Virginia Bat Pros for safe and humane bat removal and control you can trust!

Continue reading to learn why you should choose us for your bat abatement needs.

What We Do

Here at Virginia Bat Pros, our licensed and insured specialists provide safe and humane bat removal and control services in Central Virginia and its surrounding counties. We offer a long list of residential and commercial services, including bat removal, bat control, bat cleanup and restoration, inspections, estimates, and much more. We also provide emergency service and can even work with your homeowners’ insurance company to repair damages caused by bats.

How We Do It

We use a focused approach to locating the openings that bats use to enter your home, and then use the highest quality materials and resources to mend them, such as heavy gauge galvanized steel mesh screening, industrial caulking, high-density polyurethane foam, and more. When it comes to live bat extraction, we never harm, trap, or kill bats. Instead, we use a safe and humane method that works to move bats out and prevent their return.

Get In Touch Today!

With more than 10 years of hands-on experience and a long list of satisfied clients, you can trust that our bat removal and control services are safe, effective, and reasonably priced. We even work with a number of homeowners’ insurance companies to repair and restore properties damaged by bats. All of our work comes with a written guarantee, and we are happy to provide written quotes, anytime. Contact us by email, or call our main headquarters at 804-729-9097 to request written estimates and information from one of our friendly office managers.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

The Journey of Lesser Long-Nosed Bats Conservation

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently 24 species of bat that listed as “Critically Endangered”, which means they are facing an exponential and impending risk of extinction. One interesting species that was once on this list is the Lesser Long-Nosed bat. Although previously listed as endangered, the Lesser Long-Nosed bat now faces more promising and brighter times.

Continue reading to learn more about the Lesser Long-Nosed bat, including its journey on the road to extinction and back.

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The Lesser Long-Nosed Bat (left)

The Lesser Long-Nosed Bat
(Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)

Also known as the Sanborn’s long-nosed bat or the Mexican long-nosed bat, the Lesser Long-Nosed bat is a species that is most interesting to learn about. They are native to Central and North America, as they typically prefer warmer, tropical and sub-tropical climates being that they are fruit bats, or megabats. See our blog, “The Differences Between Megabats and Microbats” to understand megabats more.

Their diet mostly consists of fruit nectar and pollen, hence the moniker, “fruit” bats. In terms of their scientific name, they perfectly fit the description having long, narrow snouts and a small triangular nose-leaf. More on their appearance, they are small in size, reaching an average size of 3 inches and 25 grams. Also, they have short, grey-like fur, and long wings.

Federal Endangerment and Conservation

At the start of 2017, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suggested to remove the lesser long-nosed bat from the federal endangered species list. Back in 1988, the species was added to the list of federally-endangered species after noticeable declines in roosts became apparent in Arizona and Sonora. During the same time, it was guesstimated that there were only about 1,000 Lesser Long-Nosed bats alive, and fewer than 14 known roost sites.

The Great News

Today, there are more than 200,000 Lesser Long-Nosed bats living among 75 roost sites! How did this become possible? In addition to the fervent and rigorous monitoring, studying, researching, and intervention endeavors, the successful recovery of the Lesser Long-Nosed bat species has been largely due to the efforts made by several important interest groups and organizations, including scientists, biologists, non-governmental organizations, federal and state agencies, and believe it or not, even tequila producers in Mexico!

Their Importance and Their Decline

The top causes for the decline in Lesser Long-Nosed bat populations are largely due to over-developing land around their natural habitats, invasive grass species obstructing their source of food, and early harvesting of wild agave before it bloomed. Now you can see how all of the above-mentioned sources of conservation efforts contributed to their successful recovery.

Bats have a vital ecological importance, and subsequently, and economical importance, to our local communities. For this reason, it is strongly encouraged to be kind to bats, and appreciate all that they do for us. See our blog, “How to Safely Support Local Bat Colonies” to learn how to do your part. Although sometimes bats can become a nuisance to property owners, it is important to remember that it is not their fault. Instead, contact a local and trusted bat removal company for safe and humane assistance.

If Bats Become a Problem For Your Property

Sometimes bats can be a nuisance, even though they don’t mean to be. When this happens, trust a licensed and insured Virginia bat removal company for safe and humane bat abatement service at an affordable price. Contact Virginia Bat Pros today at 804-729-9097 to request a free estimate or information about our services, prices, and more. We look forward to delivering affordable and long-lasting solutions for your bat problems!

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

How Many Bats Have Rabies?

In our last blog, When Should a Bat Be Captured and Tested for Rabies?, you learned a little about the threat of a fatal virus called Rabies. However, there are several misconceptions regarding the Rabies virus and its impact on our local bat populations. Fortunately, there is more than enough data to help us clear up the confusion surrounding the spread of this deadly disease. If you live near forests, woods, or large bodies of water, or work in an environment where bat exposure is possible, you may be very interested in learning the truth.

Continue reading to learn more about the Rabies virus, including how much of the bat population is actually affected, and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from threat.

Virginia Bat Control 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Control 804-729-9097

The Rabies Virus

Let’s start this discussion by reviewing what Rabies actually is, medically and biologically speaking. You see, Rabies is a virus that attacks the central nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain. It is caused by Lyssavirus, which is a genus of RNA viruses, and transmitted by the blood or saliva of a host or infected animal.

Symptoms are often an onset of several reactions to the virus, initially including headache, fever, and a tingling sensation at the infection site, and eventually maturing into violent movements, loss of muscle control, aggression, confusion, and loss of consciousness. Once symptoms appear, death will soon follow.

Rabid Animals

The natural hosts for the Rabies virus are mammals and vertebrates, which are referred to as rabies vector species. This means that any mammal, including humans, can be carriers and transmitters of the disease. One of the most common animals that are given the stigma of rabies are bats. But the truth is, less than half of 1% of all bats in the world actually carry rabies (batworld.org). However, there is still a need for caution.

You should treat every bat as if it is a carrier by simply keeping your distance. Bats are protected by law, and serve a vital ecological and economical importance to our society, so it is important to never attempt to touch, harm, trap, or kill bats. Instead, admire them from afar, and if they become a nuisance to your property, enlist the help of a licensed Virginia bat control company for safe and humane service.

Rabies Prevention

Although once contracted Rabies is 100% fatal, it is also 100% preventable. First and foremost, be sure to have your pets vaccinated on an annual basis for the Rabies virus. Next, be sure to have yourself vaccinated if you work, live, or frequent places that put you at a higher risk of rabid animal exposure, such as zoo workers, vet clinic staff, spelunkers, miners, lumberjacks, animal control workers, wilderness jobs, and more.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. We serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control