What Do Bat Droppings Look Like and How Dangerous are They?

There are all sorts of things in this world that we don’t know about, and bat droppings are one of them. Most people have never seen bat droppings and, until now, you probably weren’t even aware that they existed. But believe it or not, bats do indeed produce droppings, and as it turns out, they can be pretty dangerous.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about bat guano, plus how to get rid of nuisance bats with responsible bat control strategies.

Call 804-729-9097 For Bat Guano Cleanup in Richmond, Virginia.
Call 804-729-9097 For Bat Guano Cleanup in Richmond, Virginia.

Bat Droppings are Hazardous Waste

Guano is the droppings of bats or other animals. It is often found in caves or on ledges where the animals roost. Guano is composed of urine, feces, and other organic matter. The appearance of guano can vary depending on the species of bat. It may be light or dark brown, black, or greenish. It is usually moist and has a strong ammonia odor.

To identify guano, look for the distinctive odor of ammonia and signs of staining near a roosting site. Look for small piles of droppings or larger accumulations on cave walls or ledges. If you see bats near these areas, there is a greater chance that guano is present. It is also important to remember to wear protective gear when entering an area with bat droppings, such as a face mask and gloves.

By being able to identify guano, people can take the proper precautions necessary to protect themselves from potential health risks. Guano can be dangerous if it is disturbed. The ammonia in the droppings can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. It can also contain bacteria and parasites that could spread disease. Therefore, it is important to identify guano before entering an area with bat droppings.

Ecological Importance of Bats

Though guano can be dangerous, it is also a valuable source of fertilizer and other nutrients in certain parts of the world. Bats also play a vital role in pollination and seed dispersal, and they are important predators of insects. In fact, some bats can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in a single night! By controlling insect populations, bats help to protect crops and reduce the spread of disease. In addition, bats play an important role in cave ecosystems, serving as a food source for other animals such as snakes and bats. Consequently, bats play a vital role in maintaining global ecosystem health.

Bat Control in Virginia

As you can see, bats are an important part of our ecosystem, and they should be protected. However, when bats start living in close proximity to humans or businesses, it can become a nuisance. Bat guano can damage property and create health hazards, and the noise bats make can be disruptive. Thankfully, there are professional wildlife abatement services that can safely control bat populations using humane strategies.

If you’re experiencing a problem with bats, don’t hesitate to call on the experts for help. Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control in Richmond, Virginia and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

Learn How Bat Guano is More Than Just Animal Waste
How Bat Guano is Used as a Fertilizer
There Might Be a Bat Infestation in Your House if You See These Signs

Can Bat Poop Make Me Sick?

Bat poop, referred to as guano, is the organic waste matter produced by bats. When a person spots an area with bat guano accumulation, they can safely suggest there is a bat colony nearby. Bats typically reside in one area, where they eat and produce waste for as long as they inhabit the space. Many homeowners suffer the consequences of bat infestation, mostly due to the mass accumulation of bat guano and droppings in their home.

Continue below to learn why bat guano is unsafe for humans and pets, and more importantly, how to get rid of bat guano in your home or building.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Facts About Bat Guano and Histoplasmosis

Bat guano and bat droppings can be unsafe for humans, especially children.  In bat guano, a fungus called Histoplasmosis Capsulatum grows and gives off toxic spores that we inhale in the air. These spores can cause infectious lung diseases like Histoplasmosis, Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Ohio Valley Disease, Reticuloendotheliosis, and Darling’s Disease.

These illnesses have similar symptoms of the common cold or flu. Cough, fever, sneezing, and difficulty breathing are all signs of Histoplasmosis and other lung diseases. These illnesses are not contagious, but can be easily and unknowingly contracted through inhaling spores in the air of an infested home or building.   

Bat Poop Odor and Stain Detection

Many homeowners begin to suspect bat infestation and guano problems with odor and stain detection. A common tell-tale sign of long-term bat intrusion is stained walls and strong odor presence within certain areas of the home. Bat droppings and urine create a very unique smell that experts can detect immediately. It also stains walls a yellowish and sometimes brown-like color.

If a homeowner comes across this situation, it is suggested that they have their home inspected by a professional Virginia bat removal company (not a pest control company) right away. Long-term bat infestation means there is a large accumulation of bat guano in the infested area of the property. If odor is detected, inhalation of Histoplasmosis-causing spores could very well have occurred.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control Services You Can Trust

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. We serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas. Please request a free estimate or advice, anytime.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097