The Importance of Rabies Vaccinations For Pets

As a pet owner, it’s important to do everything you can to keep your furry friend healthy and safe. That’s why vaccinating against the Rabies Virus is so important. Continue below to learn more about the Rabies virus, plus how to keep your pet vaccinated against this deadly threat.

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For a Bat Control Company in Richmond, Call 804-729-9097 Today!

Scary Facts About the Rabies Virus

Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the nervous system of mammals. It is most often transmitted through the bite of an infected animal and can be fatal if left untreated. Dogs are the most common source of rabies transmission to humans, and though vaccinations have made the disease much less common in developed countries, it is still a serious public health concern in many parts of the world.

There are two forms of rabies: Furious rabies is characterized by aggression and lack of fear, while Paralytic rabies progresses to paralysis and death. The incubation period for rabies is typically two to 12 weeks but can be as long as several months. Early symptoms may include fever, headache, and general malaise, followed by more specific symptoms such as seizures, hallucinations, and paralysis. Sadly, there is no cure.

Rabies Vaccines for Dogs and Cats

If you suspect that your dog has been exposed to rabies, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. There is no cure for rabies, but prompt treatment can be effective in preventing the disease from taking hold. Vaccination is the best defense against rabies, and all dogs should be up to date on their shots. If you live in an area where rabies is common, talk to your veterinarian about whether your dog should also receive a booster vaccine.

Rabies vaccines are available for both dogs and cats. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect your pets, you can help keep both your furry friend and your family safe from this deadly virus. The vaccine is typically given as a series of shots, starting at around four months of age. In most cases, vaccinating your pet is the best way to keep them safe from this deadly disease.

The Link Between Bats and Rabies

There is a strong link between bats and rabies. Bats are the main host of the rabies virus, and many people who are bitten by bats contract rabies. However, there are also many myths about bats and rabies. Bats are the main host of the rabies virus. In the United States, most rabies cases in animals are in bats. However, only a small percentage of bats carry the virus. Most bats that carry rabies do not show any signs of the disease.

There are many myths about bats and rabies. One myth is that all bats have rabies. This is not true. Only a small percentage of bats carry the virus. Another myth is that you can get rabies from just being near a bat. This is also not true. You can only get rabies if you are bitten or scratched by a bat that has the virus. If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, wash the wound with soap and water and see a doctor immediately.

Consider Localized Bat Control

The best way to protect yourself and your pets from rabies is to avoid contact with bats. If your property is near a local bat population, it is recommended to implement an effective bat abatement plan. Contact a licensed and insured Richmond VA bat removal and control company for assistance you can trust.

Interested in learning more about safe bat management and abatement? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for bat removal and control in Richmond, Virginia. We serve both residential and commercial clients in all surrounding counties and locations.

Related Posts:

Did You Find a Dead Bat on Your Property?
How Many Bats Have Rabies?
Products That are Not Recommended for Bat Control

Learn About Rabies Awareness For World Rabies Day

Today is World Rabies Day!

In support of Rabies awareness and protection, take this opportunity to review the most important facts about the Rabies Virus, including where you can get it, how to protect your pets and loved ones from exposure, and much more. Continue reading to get started and then spread your newfound awareness to friends and family!

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Bat Removal Service Richmond VA 804-729-9097

What is Rabies?

Rabies is a fatal viral infection caused by the Rabies Lyssavirus (RABV) virus. Once contracted, there is no cure. It travels directly to the central nervous system, subsequently causing inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. People and canines are the most common victims of rabies infection and fatalities.

Common Carriers of the Rabies Virus

 Although raccoons are the most common carrier of the Rabies Virus, bats are another pressing threat. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, in 2018, 93% of rabies cases were from wild animals, and bats were at the top of the list of carriers. They further reported that in 2019, 7 out of 10 Rabies deaths in the United States were caused by bats. Many other species of wildlife can be carriers too, including birds, squirrels, skunks, coyotes, and foxes.

Rabies Vaccines for Pets

In order to help spread the rabies virus among people and pets, it is vital to have your dogs and cats vaccinated on an annual basis. Dogs are the most common victim of rabies fatalities because they are curious, outdoor explorers who often come into contact with rabid animals like raccoons or bats. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog or cat’s rabies vaccination schedule recommendation. Routine pet vaccination efforts coupled with the availability of rabies-fighting vaccines and medications is the best approach for fighting the rabies pandemic around the world.

Rabies Vaccinations for People

Because the United States averages 1 to 3 cases of humans contracting the Rabies Virus, there is no CDC or government-decreed recommendation for children or adults to seek out routine rabies vaccinations.

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)

Upon potential or known exposure, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends immediately seeking Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is an antiviral medication taken after you or a pet is exposed to the Rabies virus. Such exposure can happen through a scratch or bite, or in any case in which the bat’s infected saliva enters the target’s bloodstream.  This medical treatment is designed to stop the virus from spreading to the central nervous system, making time of the utmost essence.

Are you dealing with a nuisance bat problem in or around your property? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for prompt and professional bat removal and control you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

You Should Also Read:

When Should a Bat Be Captured and Tested for Rabies?
Will Bats Attack My Dog?
What You Want to Know About Bats and Rabies

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Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Why This is the Time of Year to Get a Rabies Vaccine

Richmond Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Richmond Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

It is rabies season, so now is the right time to get your rabies shots. Be sure your loved ones are vaccinated, including your pets!

Wildlife is most active when weather is warm and mild. This means it is Rabies season. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, opossum, fox, and bats are all common carriers of the Rabies virus. And although there are very few reported cases of human exposure every year (1 to 3 cases reported annually, according to the CDC), it is still important to take as much precaution as possible to ensure you and your loved ones are not affected. Keep in mind that curious outdoor pets like cats and dogs are also common targets for Rabies infection, so you’ll need to consider their safety as well.

Don’t Take the Risk – Get Vaccinated for Rabies

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

“The rabies virus is transmitted through saliva or brain/nervous system tissue. You can only get rabies by coming in contact with these specific bodily excretions and tissues.”

It is also 100% treatable so long as medical attention is sought immediately after exposure. Without treatment, rabies is 100% fatal since it causes an acute viral encephalitis. Once symptoms start to become evident, there is no recourse or cure.

Rabies Shots

For humans, the Rabies virus is 100% preventable with the right vaccinations. Because adults in good health are rarely exposed, shots are not necessary unless someone is bitten or exposed. The best course of action adults can take is to adhere to adequate animal vaccination and control standards. Furthermore, children are at a higher risk of contracting Rabies, so be sure they are protected with the proper vaccines if they are ever exposed or likely to be exposed.  

If exposed, a victim would have to start a treatment schedule consisting of one dose of immune globulin and four doses of rabies vaccine, all given over a 14-day period. This regime is known as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

The Rabies vaccine consists of 3 types of cells:

► Human Cells
► Chick Embryo Cells
► Fetal Rhesus Lung Cells

A vaccination program is recommended for those who are at a higher risk of exposure, like veterinarians, animal handlers, laboratory workers, cave spelunkers, and explorers traveling to areas of the world where rabies exposure is likely. These individuals would get a 3-part dose of Rabies immune globulin, starting with an initial vaccine beforehand, a second dose 7 days later, and a final dose 21 to 28 days after the first dose.

Where to Get a Rabies Vaccine

Contact your Primary Care Physician’s (PCP) office for more information on vaccines.

Are you dealing with a population of nuisance bats around your house, which are common carriers of the Rabies virus? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for affordable and prompt bat removal services in Virginia, including Richmond, Williamsburg, Hampton, and all surrounding areas. We serve residential and commercial clients.

You Should Also Read:

Top 3 Signs That Suggest You Have Bats in Your House
Can Bat Poop Make Me Sick?
Top 3 Most Common Bat Diseases in Virginia

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

If I See a Bat During the Day, Does it Have Rabies?

When it comes to the Rabies virus, one of the most tell-tale signs that an animal is infected is if it is active during the daytime even though it is a nocturnal species. Daytime behavior is often seen in several rabid nocturnal species of wildlife, including raccoons, possums, and bats. In fact, bats are a prime known carrier of the Rabies virus, but that doesn’t mean that all carrier bats are actually infected. So, does seeing a bat, or some other type of nocturnal animal, out and about during the day a sign that it is infected with Rabies? What else could it mean?

Continue reading to learn the answers to these questions, as well as, the common signs of a rabid bat, and what you should do if you ever one.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Bats and Rabies

As mentioned, bats are known carriers of the Rabies virus, but not all bats that are carriers are infected. In fact, some carriers of Rabies never become rabid, nor show signs of the illness. Also mentioned, one of the most common signs that a bat has Rabies is if it is outside and awake during the day. Bats are nocturnal mammals, meaning they are active from dusk to dawn, rather than dawn to dusk like humans.

So, when a bat is out and active during the day, it can be deemed as odd behavior. But this does not mean it has Rabies. A bat exhibiting these kinds of behaviors might be ill with something else, dying, or injured. It could also be an adolescent bat still honing its flying skills, or lost and trying to find its way back to its colony. See our blog, “What You Want to Know About Bats and Rabies” to learn more about bat behavior and the Rabies virus.

Additional Signs of a Rabid Bat:

The Bat is on the Ground – Bats do not sit or lay on the ground, so if you see a live one on the lawn or grass, you can safely assume it is sick, perhaps with Rabies.

The Bat is Not Scared – Like finding a bat on the ground, if you can walk toward a bat, and it does not act scared or threatened, you should assume that it is ill.

The Bat Cannot Fly – If a bat is outside, or on the ground, and it does not fly away, even if you approach it, it is very likely that the bat is sick, and it could be rabid.

What to Do If You Find a Bat

Under no circumstances should you ever attempt to touch, trap, capture, harm, or kill a bat. Bats are not just known carriers of several transmissible diseases, such as Rabies and lice, they are also biters, and can break the skin if provoked. Furthermore, some bats are protected under federal and state law, so you are not allowed to tamper with them at all. Instead, contact a wildlife rescue company for emergency bat removal service. See our blog, “How to Remove a Flying Bat in the House” if you ever spot one indoors.

Where To Get Trusted Bat Removal and Control Service in Virginia

Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane Virginia bat removal and control at the right price. Regardless of the size or scope of your bat abatement and cleanup needs, we have the experience and resources necessary to remedy your bat problem in no time at all. Our professionals are focused on safe and effective results, but more importantly, our client’s complete satisfaction. Contact us anytime for free estimates, advice, and assistance.